Sunday, July 08, 2012

Someone Really Touched My Heart..

Dah lama sebenarnya tak update blog ini.. Banyak sangat kerja (atau tak pandai susun urusan / takde idea sebab kekurangan masa nak membaca bahan-bahan selain kerja-kerja PEMBINA dan juga buku-buku medic).

Cuma baru tadi, ada seseorang private message di Facebook.. And this really touched my heart..

"salam.harap bole update ur blog.i've been reading your blog since the past 5 years. you are really inspiring.JZKK

saya kenal Allah dari your blogi love your blog and has inspired me to take life more seriously. I really appreciate ... I feel like i was looking for something and I just found it.please keep writing because I'm learning from you.iallah May Allah bless."

Apa perasaan saya selepas membaca mesej ini?

Em.. Ada juga orang ambil peduli apa yang aku tulis dulu...

Insya Allah, akan kembali menulis. Doakan agar diri ini istiqamah!

P/S: Menanti hadirnya Ramadhan :)

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